Building Sustainable Partnerships

Pastoral Partners Australia is an Australian company,
whose purpose is to directly invest and partner with Australian farming families in pastoral land across Australia.

Our charter is to maintain and enhance productive, sustainable farming & grazing enterprises integrated within a regenerative farming system.

Pastoral Partners Australia welcomes release of Chubb Review

18 January, 2023

As a new entrant to the regenerative farming market, Pastoral Partners Australia welcomes the release of Professor Ian Chubb’s Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units (“The Independent Review”).

The Independent Review provides important clarity of the integrity of the Carbon Farming Initiative legislation, methodologies and associated registered projects, which have been sought by landowners and industry participants.

The Government’s endorsement of the Independent Review’s recommendations is a strong signal to the carbon and regenerative farming market that the Government is committed to its net emissions reduction targets for 2030 and 2050.

The Independent Review and Government endorsement provide a clear pathway to enable the provision of additional carbon sequestration via a variety of recognised methods. These methods include the Human Induced Regeneration method, a focus of Pastoral Partners Australia, which the Review found to be sound.

The enhanced governance, transparency and method refinements recommended by the Independent Review will improve public confidence, provide important assurance and should attract additional industry participants and greater collaboration between government and industry.

“We look forward to collaborating with Government and other industry participants to help implement the Review’s recommendations, and we are committed to expanding our portfolio of regenerative grazing operations that incorporate high integrity carbon projects”, said CEO of Pastoral Partners Australia, Dominic Devine.


About PPA
Launched in June 2022, Pastoral Partners Australia (PPA) is an Australian company created to directly invest and partner with Australian farming families and companies in targeted agricultural areas across Australia. Our purpose is to enhance productive, sustainable grazing enterprises by incorporating a regenerative grazing approach in conjunction with suitable carbon sequestration projects. PPA is owned by the Morrison & Co Growth Infrastructure Fund. Since our launch in 2022, we have purchased two foundation properties, the Kulki and Oratara Pastoral Property Portfolio, located in South-West Queensland and remain active in this region.

About Morrison & Co
Morrison & Co is a global infrastructure investment management specialist, founded in 1988. It is a pioneer in innovative infrastructure investing, supporting businesses that help enhance the lives of local communities. It is set apart by a management style that integrates deep industry specialisation with financial and transactional expertise. Its investment decisions are supported by research and high-conviction beliefs in long-term trends that bridge business cycles including global decarbonisation, ageing populations, growth in data and related infrastructure, global mobility, urbanisation and expanding social infrastructure requirements.

About Dominic Devine
Dominic Devine is the CEO of Pastoral Partners Australia. He has spent almost his whole career within the agricultural sector. Dominic has first-hand grazing operations and management experience, and over 20 years in carbon sequestration project development and management. Dominic has been an owner, operator and consultant throughout his career and has a thorough understanding of what it takes to develop sustainable regenerative farming practices across Australia.

Clare Chan
07 3303 0235

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